Warm Up the City - November 16, 2024

Warm Up the City Saturday, November 16, 2024

It's that time of year again: Warm Up the City!

Yarn Harbor's Warm Up the City event will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2024. We will distribute donated hats, mittens, and scarves, in a "yarn bomb" fashion, around Duluth. 

Want to participate? Drop off any item, handmade or purchased, at Yarn Harbor by November 14th. We are looking for: Hats, mittens, socks, scarf, or any accessories that will keep a friend warm this winter. 

All items will be labeled with a tag that reads "I am not lost! I need a good home. If you need me, please take me home with you".

You can join us November 16: Meet at Yarn Harbor at 10 am to help distribute donations around town. It will only take about an hour. Give us a call at 218-724-6432 and let us know you want to participate.