The Complete Weaving Kit

Ashford Handicrafts Ltd.

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This complete weaving kit includes – weaving loom, warping and weaving tools and accessories, full step-by-step instructions, canvas carry bag, finishing wax polish and The Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving.
It even includes the yarn for your first project – a luxurious, light, super soft Merino shawl.

Easy! Fun! Unlimited possibilities!

Its all in the box:

 SampleIt Loom 40cm (16ins)
 100gm Ashford Merino Bouclé yarn
 Canvas Carry Bag
 Reeds – 1 x 7.5dpi, 1 x 5dpi
• 2 x Shuttles, Clamps and Threading Hook
• Learn to Weave Booklet and Scarf Instructions
 The Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving
• Finishing Wax Polish